October 17, 2025: The Day(s) After: Best Practices for Supporting Students and Staff through Grief

Friday, October 17, 2025
9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Pre-register by October 10, 2025

This course will be in-person on SLU Campus

3 CEHs

$45.00 SLU Alumni and pre-registered SLU practicum instructors

$65.00 All others

Course Description
Presenter: Wendy L. DuCassé, DSW, LCSW

Title:The Day(s) After:  Best Practices for Supporting Students and Staff through Grief

Course Description:Community violence. Car accident. Death of a staff member. What can school professionals do to support students and staff through losses such as these? Participants will review their setting's current procedures, explore culturally affirming and research-based best practices, and identify key strategies to consider when revising their crisis plan. 

