October 17, 2025: Trauma Informed Care for the Caring Professional

Friday, October 17, 2025
1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Pre-register by October 10, 2025

This course will be in-person on SLU Campus

3 CEHs

$45.00 SLU Alumni and pre-registered SLU practicum instructors

$65.00 All others

Course Description
Presenters: Rachel Crowe, MSW, LCSW & Lindsay Kyonka, MSW, LCSW 

Title: Trauma Informed Care for the Caring Professional

Learning Objectives: 
  • Describe the key aspects of trauma and the impact on caring professionals.  
  • Identity the core principles of trauma informed care as critical for self-care & avoiding compassion fatigue/burnout. 
  • Apply the social work helping framework and trauma informed self-care principles in developing a plan for self-care practices for caring professionals.
Course Description: This CE course will review the key impacts of trauma, particularly the physiological changes, how trauma changes the worldview, and relationships with others. Our focus will be on the vulnerabilities of helping professionals. We will start with a review of the literature, which notes a higher incidence of previous trauma exposure and ongoing risk of secondary & vicarious trauma from professions that care for others such as front-line workers and clinicians proving direct practice in a variety of health, education, and social care settings. The core principles of trauma informed care as critical for self-care & avoiding compassion fatigue/burnout will be reviewed and how these principles “embody" the principles of trauma informed care in our personal & professional lives. Finally, the social work helping and trauma informed self-care frameworks will be presented so that participants can apply the frameworks in relation to: engagement with self (e.g., being, mindfulness, and self-compassion), assessment and readiness for self-care (e.g., Motivational Interviewing, and stages of change), intervention (applying skills (e.g., Dialectical Behavior Therapy, Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction) and implementing and evaluating the impact (e.g., noticing change non judgmentally, boundaries, savoring progress) of planning and completing their own self-care practices.  

Bio: Rachel Crowe, MSW, LCSW was recently appointed as a full time Assistant Clinical Professor and Faculty Field Liaison, having served in this role as an adjunct Assistant Professor and Field Liaison for the BSSW program in SLU’s School of Social Work for 3 years. She formerly served as the Learning & Professional Development Director for the St. Louis Crisis Nursery, where she has worked for over 23 years  

Lindsay Kyonka, MSW, LCSW is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker currently serving as Program Quality & Evaluation Director at the Saint Louis Crisis Nursery. She earned her Master of Social Work degree with a concentration in Family Practice from the University of Missouri-St. Louis and holds a Graduate Certificate in Violence and Injury Prevention from the Brown School at Washington University. Lindsey has more than 15 years of professional experience working with vulnerable children and families, including specific training and expertise in program development, program evaluation, trauma informed care, evidence-informed interventions for families facing risk factors for child abuse and neglect, and interventions for children with problematic sexual behaviors. 

