February 21, 2025: Examining the Ethics of Suicide Prevention for Military Veterans

Friday, February 21, 2025
9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Pre-register by February 14, 2025

This course will be in-person on SLU Campus

3 CEHs

$45.00 SLU Alumni and pre-registered SLU practicum instructors

$65.00 All others

Course Description
Presenter: Brandy M. Fox, Ph.D

Title: Examining the Ethics of Suicide Prevention for Military Veterans 
*Meets Ethics and Suicide Requirements (1.5 CEH each)

Learning Objectives:
  • Compare and contrast foundational characteristics of the medical model and the moral model for suicide prevention.
  • Recognize the underlying ethical assumptions of the medical model for suicide prevention.
  • Describe ways to improve current suicide prevention efforts for military veterans.

Course Description: This CE course will examine the ethics of suicide prevention from two perspectives: the medical model and the moral model. While the medical model is by far the most prominent, some opportunities to help suicidal individuals are missed when professionals view patients through a strictly medical lens. We will use these two models to examine current suicide prevention programs for military veterans and identify potential ways to improve these programs.

Bio: Brandy M. Fox has a PhD and MS in Health Care Ethics. She is currently a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Stanford Center for Biomedical Ethics at Stanford School of Medicine. She is a SLU alumna and US Army veteran.

