March 21, 2025: What Social Workers Need to Know About the Proliferation of Gambling

Friday, March 21, 2025
1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Pre-register by March 14, 2025

This course will be in-person on SLU Campus

3 CEHs

$45.00 SLU Alumni and pre-registered SLU practicum instructors

$65.00 All other

Course Description
Presenter: Jenny Deutsch, MSW, LCSW

Title: What Social Workers Need to Know About the Proliferation of Gambling 

Learning Objectives:
  • Learn the history of gambling in the US with focus on Missouri and Illinois 
  • Identify dynamics of gambling among specific subpopulations at risk 
  • Gain knowledge of assessment measures 
  • Understand the uniqueness of gambling as an addiction 
  • Develop clinical skills and referral considerations when assisting clients who gamble 

Course Description: This CE course will provide social workers and other clinical professionals with information intended to increase their confidence and ability to engage clients in a discussion about gambling and provide resources to assist compulsive gamblers and their families. Participants will explore the policy landscape related to gambling in the United States, with particular emphasis on the states of Missouri and Illinois and how gambling impacts various populations that may be affected or be at increased risk of developing gambling addictions. Finally, participants will learn about clinical skills and referral considerations that can be used to assess and to promote referrals to gambling supports, including the gambling hotlines. 

Bio: Jenny Deutsch, MSW, LCSW is an Adjunct Clinical Professor with Saint Louis University School of Social Work and a clinician with Behavioral Health Response.  She has 25 years of experience in the field of crisis intervention, suicide prevention, supporting loss survivors and community education.   

