February 7, 2025: Internal Family Systems: Providing Compassionate Care for Suicidal Parts

Friday, February 7, 2025
9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Pre-register by January 31, 2025

This is a virtual course, and will take place over Zoom.

A link to this virtual course will be sent one week prior to the event.

3 CEHs

$45.00 SLU Alumni and pre-registered SLU practicum instructors

$65.00 All others

Course Description:
Presenter: Harly Blumhagen, MSW, LCSW

Title: Internal Family Systems: Providing Compassionate Care for Suicidal Parts
*Meets Suicide Requirements

Learning Objectives:
  • Explore the fundamental concepts of the Internal Family Systems (IFS) model of psychotherapy 
  • Describe three skills for integrating IFS into the treatment of suicidal clients
  • Engage in exercises for exploring personal parts that may be triggered when working with suicidal clients
Course Description: Internal Family Systems (IFS) is a non-pathologizing evidence-based psychotherapy that uses a systems approach to explore clients' internal worlds. The foundation of this model is rooted in the natural multiplicity of the mind, in which every individual is believed to be made up of an internal system of protective and wounded inner parts. Treatment involves guiding clients in accessing their inner Self, which is inherent to everyone and cannot be damaged. IFS has been used to treat individuals, couples, and families. This course will provide a brief introductory overview of the IFS model and will specifically explore working with internal parts who experience suicidal ideation or behaviors. Case examples will demonstrate how IFS can be used to provide compassionate care for these parts. Participants will have the opportunity to explore parts of themselves that may surface when working with clients experiencing suicidality, with the goal of increasing confidence and decreasing discomfort when working with these clients.

Bio: Harly Blumhagen is a PhD student in the School of Social Work at Saint Louis University. Harly has been a Licensed Clinical Social Worker for five years and has experience working in inpatient psychiatry and general healthcare hospitalization, outpatient community-based settings, and providing individual psychotherapy. Harly primarily treats clients with a trauma history and uses Eye-Movement Desensitization Reprocessing (EMDR), Internal Family Systems (IFS), and somatic approaches 2 treatment.

