Mini-Switch Rental

Mini-Switch Rental

Out of Stock

If you require the use of an Ethernet splitter to share the jack in your room, we can help! We offer a limited number of 5-port, and 8-port mini-switches for students to borrow and use while living in a residential hall on a first—come, first—served basis.

To borrow a mini-switch, stop by the AskSLU Desk in the Academic Tech Commons at Pius Library. Credit cards through the SLU Marketplace can be used for rentals. Mini-switches require a non-refundable $10 deposit by a credit card upon check out. Students are required to return the mini-switches by May 16. If the mini-switch is not returned by May 16 there will be a $100 hold put on the students account until either the mini-switch is returned OR the $100 fee is paid to replace the device.

Please note, mini-switches can not be shipped and must be checked out from the ATC at Pius Library.

